...is a film production company, created by owner, Maureen Mestas, dedicated to creating and promoting film that entertains, informs and awakens the human spirit....
Maureen Mestas is a producer and writer who is committed to capturing the spirit of life by telling a visual story through film making that illuminates human nature and enhances underlying elements that create entertainment.
Watch for CTP submission of the short film, I Don't Buy Hammers.
During an early morning run, Karly Aragon finds something by the side of the road that she never would have imagined and having it in her possession means responsibility…a lot of responsibility!
Feature Length
When a successful Washington DC attorney is called back to New Mexico to help his ailing father, he discovers generations-old family secrets and long-hidden truths revealing themselves in ways even a highly skilled lawyer cannot fix.
Submitted to Nashville Film Festival Short Film Screenplay Competition 2019
During an early morning run, Karly Aragon finds something by the side of the road that she never would have imagined and having it in her possession means responsibility…a lot of responsibility!
Feature Length
Loathed by anyone he has ever done a business deal with; reviled by past love interests - Even his own family runs the other way when they see him coming at weddings, funerals, Thanksgiving. Michael goes missing and nobody cares… Who among many suspects could have finally done the deed?
Short Film
Two best friends find their life-long friendship challenged and learn a new meaning for unconditional love when, together, they find a stray cat - sharing the “ownership” of a cat can bring out the very best…and the very worst in two people with good intentions.
Feature Length
Sitting on a metro train is a day-in-the-life for Kimberly Fischer, but what happens during a routine subway trip home from work will leave her feeling never quite the same.
Feature Length
Beth Silver wanders through her Beltway Virginia neighborhood and comes across a yard sale - what she finds there will begin the unexpected adventure of a lifetime for herself….and for someone else…
Pilot Episode
Two women quickly learn that things are not always as they appear when they embark on an intriguing adventure which begins with a dead reporter in a public library in a small town in Texas.
A MUST VIEW!! Silver Bullet Productions 2019 Show Reel
Maureen is on the Board of Directors for Silver Bullet Productions. Silver Bullet Productions’ mission is to encourage educational achievement in New Mexico’s communities through a filmmaking program that empowers students, impacts academic opportunities, and preserves community culture and heritage. Check out 2019 Documentary, Sacred Sites, and our other award-winning documentaries
CTP Foundation's, Santa Fe Youth FilmWorks, is currently shooting their Spring 2019 student film project - a trailer of The Summer of the Squirrel Suicides. This year's class is a group of talented, amazing young aspiring filmmakers...Watch for their imaginative creation COMING SOON!!
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